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Monthly Archives: October 2014

The Upside of Jealousy

Posted on: Monday, October 20th, 2014 under blog

If the emotions were a sports team, jealousy would be among the last to be picked. People don’t like to admit to jealousy. Why is this? Is it that we are all happy all the time for the good fortune in the lives of our friends and co-workers? Ideally, the answer would be yes, however, […]

Teens, Parents and Safe Social Media

Posted on: Wednesday, October 8th, 2014 under blog

The Internet and social media’s influence reaches almost every aspect of our lives these days, and this including the world of parenting. Youngsters latch on to iphones and tablets with glee, and when they’re small enough we’re able to guide their technology usage. As teenagers, however, they are less open to parental interference into their […]