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Is Cheating Guaranteed During Stampede?

Posted on: Friday, July 3rd, 2015

Calgary is feverishly getting ready for the greatest outdoor show on earth, meanwhile other preparations are taking place. The spike in infidelities is astounding and the online ads for casual sexual encounters and NSA hook ups is skyrocketing. What are the signals to be aware of that may help warn you if your partner may cheat on you over the 10 days of Stampede and what can you do about them.

1.    He Spends More Time away from Home

The majority of men start spending more time away from home before they cheat. It’s worth discussing and trying to get him to articulate any dissatisfaction he has in his life that causes him to want to spend less time at home or what new development has caused his sudden wanderlust.

 2.    You Have Sex Infrequently

Many see diminished sexual activity before any infidelity. 57% of cheating men however will cheat and yet not have less sex with their wives, although the usual frequency could be low, once every couple of months in many struggling marriages. Maintaining sexual consistency and frequency is essential for a healthy marriage.

 3.    He Avoids Contact with You

His avoidance of your calls or desire not to spend time with you points to a desire to disconnect, whether he is conscious of it or not. The contact you have with your husband during the day, even if it is about the ordinary business of life, still helps you develop a general awareness of each other.

4.    He Criticizes You More

Criticisms of wife/girlfriend increases before and dips once the infidelity has began.

 5.    He Starts More Fights with You

In twenty percent of cases husbands admit that they started more fights with their wives. Notice that criticizing their wives and starting more fights can be seen as very similar signals. Put them together and you have a large portion of men who are expressing significant dissatisfaction to and of their wives.

6.   He is Over-Protective of His Phone

This may not be new behaviour but is a common pattern to watch for.

In summary he or she has been disconnecting from you long before Stampede.

Adapted from “The Truth about Cheating” by M. Gary Neuman

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