Tag Archives: PTSD
Lest We Forget
Posted on: Sunday, November 4th, 2018 under blogAs we remember the loss of our fallen soldiers, we also acknowledge the troops that have witnessed or experienced life threatening events. War trauma made a great contribution to the current studies of PTSD. In the First World War, military psychiatry came to birth. The emotional trauma became known as shell shock because doctors were […]
Having Difficulty Moving Forward? Find Relief Today!
Posted on: Sunday, September 15th, 2013 under blogEveryone at one time or another faces struggles in their lives. However, there are times when our past experiences can significantly impact our present life through lingering unresolved memories which seem to ‘hijack’ our normal cognitive and emotional abilities. The past experiences often involve trauma (assault, child/sexual/physical abuse, accident, abandonment, neglect, anxiety, wars, etc.). Even […]