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Depression and Anxiety

Learn how much is too much and how to help you child.

Depression and Anxiety


Children who are depressed don’t usually say so, but they will usually have some of these warning signs:

  • Becoming more quiet and withdrawn
  • Over-reactions (e.g., anger, excessive crying)
  • Drop in grades
  • Difficulty concentrating 
  • Seem troubled, unhappy, worried, guilty, angry, helpless, hopeless, lonely, or rejected
  • Seem down on themselves, showing low self-esteem, or blaming themselves
  • Complaints of pains (e.g., headaches)
  • Low energy and/or trouble sleeping
  • Change in appetite
  • Less interest in things they used to like

Well-meaning friends and family members might be telling you not to worry because kids will just “snap out of it.” But depression is very treatable and counselling can help alleviate children’s suffering and teach them the skills to deal with situations in a healthier way in the future.


A certain amount of anxiety is normal at every age and for young children it’s typical to have fear of the dark, of storms, of animals, of separating from parents, etc. Healthy anxiety can help kids keep themselves out of danger. However, too much or misplaced anxiety can keep kids from reaching their potential and enjoying their childhood. Here are some signs that your child could benefit from counselling for anxiety:

  • Constant or intense worrying
  • Refusing to go to school
  • Complaints of pains (e.g., stomachaches)
  • Panic or tantrums
  • Low self-confidence
  • Trouble sleeping or nightmares 
  • Extreme fears about specific things (e.g., separating from parent, insects, new people, embarrassment, making mistakes)
  • Anxiety causes the child a lot of distress
  • Anxiety interferes with daily life

The earlier a child with anxiety concerns sees a counsellor the better they will do in the future. We will work with the child individually and with the parents to provide strategies to manage and reduce anxiety on a daily basis. We also provide consultation to medical doctors, the child’s school, and other professionals working with the child. With younger children, we often make use of play and stories to help the child feel more secure and confident.

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