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Psycho-Educational Assessments

When we know kids' strengths and challenges we're better able to help them achieve their FULL potential.

Psycho-Educational Assessments

Applying for Kindergarten at Westmount Charter Academy? Yes – we offer the IQ testing. Call us at 403-619-5354! See FAQ’s section for more info.

Is your child struggling in school? Not living up to their full potential? Are you wondering if there is an underlying Learning Disability? Are you interested in the GATE program or Webber Academy, Calgary Academy, Rundle College, Westmount Charter School & Others? Assessments help us to understand the current situation so we can more clearly see how we can improve it. In fact, schools recommend a re-assessment approximately every 2-3 years. Once we know the problem, we can develop a personalized plan (in consultation with teachers, OT, PT, Speech Language Specialists and parents) to help them be successful. Maybe your child’s disinterest in school is due to ADD/ADHD, or to giftedness, which would require a very different plan. A better understanding of your child’s areas of strength and challenge will tell us how we can modify their curriculum, environment, schedule and so on, so that they can be challenged, interested, engaged, and confident. We assess:

  • learning style
  • academic aptitude and achievement
  • intelligence
  • giftedness
  • ADD/ADHD, concentration, and impulsivity
  • anxiety and depression
  • other areas of strength (academic, social, and emotional)
  • other areas of challenge (academic, social, and emotional)

We love kids and our psychologists create a warm and friendly environment that approaches every assessment by taking into consideration the child’s unique personality and needs. In order to provide the best environment for your child we can accommodate from many aspects ranging from timing, toys and princess personas 🙂 Please don’t hesitate to bring any suggestions or concerns to her attention. Yes, our reports can be used to complete your application to a GATE or Gifted program. Fees for a full Psycho-Educational Assessment is $2600 which includes

  • An initial consultation with the parents (1 hour)
  • Review of academic reports (from school folder)
  • Sending BASC questionnaires for the parents and a couple teachers to complete and return
  • About 4-6 hours of psychological testing, broken up into two sessions (2-3 hours each), ideally on two different days (mornings preferred).
  • Tests administered are the WISC V and the WIAT III (grades 1 – 12) or WPSSI IV and the WIAT III (pre-school)
  • Development of the psychological report (2 – 4 weeks)
  • Review session with both parents (1 hour)

For post-secondary students, the Canada Student Grants program may cover a substantial portion of the cost of an assessment if it confirms you have a learning disability.Book An Appointment to See an Educational Psychologist