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Parenting Children 0-12

Essentials for raising happy responsible kids.

Parenting Children 0-12

As parents, we are responsible for the happiness, health, and development of another human being. It’s nothing short of amazing, but it’s sure not easy! At one point or another, it’s common for children to

  • have trouble getting along with other kids (e.g., fighting, not sharing)
  • have difficulties with behavior at school and home
  • struggle with separating from their parents

Struggling with parenting issues can make us feel frustrated, worried, or powerless, and can cause problems for us at work and in our marriages. Parenting coaching will help you understand how children view us and the world so that you can communicate to them more clearly and effectively. You will learn how to effectively balance firm structure with warm, loving care so that your child will be more confident, successful, and secure in your love.

Book An Appointment to See a Family Counsellor