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Mood Swings

Develop more resilience and get off the mood roller coaster.

Mood Swings

We are all affected by events outside of our control that make us upset.  Sometimes we can feel like we’re powerless, like rag dolls tossed around in the wind.  When we’re stressed, angry, hurt, or sad it’s impossible to be who we want to be or achieve our goals and we can end up harming ourselves, our careers, and our relationships with the people we care about most. The good news is that there are things we can do to improve our control over our own emotions so that we can respond to things in a way that is calmer and more level-headed instead of feeling swept away by panic, rage, or despair.  When we have better control over how we feel and act a world of possibilities opens up – imagine what it will be like for you when you feel more peace, achieve more at work, and have happier relationships.

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