Journey Counselling

Feeling Hopeless Amidst World Crises

Feeling Hopeless Amidst World Crises
This post explores the emotional toll of witnessing global crises, emphasizing self-care, empathy, and actionable support like donating or seeking counseling to cope with feelings of hopelessness.

In our current world, we are connected online and have access to news and images of what is happening across the globe. Being able to connect with others around the world is an incredible feat, but when a crisis occurs, some can feel hopeless, out of reach, and can be affected by what others are facing.

In recent news, we have seen the devastating effects of an explosion in Beirut, Lebanon that has killed over 200 people and has made hundreds of thousands of become homeless. Seeing this tragedy in the news, and other tragedies occurring around the globe can be overwhelming. Some may feel unable to cope with this news, and seeing and hearing about death/destruction can bring out extreme reactions.

Dealing with these feelings is not easy and if stepping away from the news for some time helps relieve that stress that might be best to do. Donating towards relief efforts and helping aid those affected by the crisis is beneficial. Reminding ourselves that there are things that happen in the world outside of our control, although uncomfortable, is important to consider.

Being empathetic towards others is one of the beautiful ways that make us human and how we form connections with each other. Caring for others can bring up feelings of hopelessness at times when we feel we cannot help. Remember to take care of yourself and help out the best you can, whether that be through donations or having affected individuals in your thoughts.

If you feel you may need further support, please feel free to book a counselling session at Journey Counselling at 403-619-8558 or if in need of immediate assistance, contact the Distress Centre at 403-266-4357

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